Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I've been doing design work on the internet for the past few months after finally getting a true high speed line put in to my folks house - most people down here are on dial-up, and don't really understand the concept of the internet - so I can make a living doing what I do best. My former assistant, Sarah, has agreed to come down for a few months to help me get something off the ground, and I've set her up in an apt. nearby.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Klan is alive and well and living in Valdosta, Georgia! We were awakened late Saturday night/Sunday morning by a rock through the window followed by a 10 foot burning cross on the front lawn. There was no note with the rock, so we're not sure what the cause of the attack was but we guess it's either Jorge's position @ walmart , that we're gay, or the fact that Wanda has pretty much moved in with us. I tried to clean up the lawn before our horrible neighbors woke up and noticed the burnt cross on their way to church but everyone seemed to know all about it anyway. - very scary


Monday, April 16, 2007

There was a big rally downtown on Saturday afternoon to protest the firing of Don Imus. About 500 rednecks were down there waving confederate flags and holding signs saying "they got Imus - we'll get Rosie" and "keep your nigger hands off my radio". At the end of the rally they all shot their guns into the air.

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Friday, March 02, 2007

It's been such a shock to return to this RED state where most people are gay hating Republicans after my little vacation in NEW YORK STATE, where most people are Democrats, and nobody gives a damn about your sexual orientation.


I am so proud of my boyfriend Jorge - he is the first person of color to ever hold a management position at a Walmart in Georgia. In just a few months, he has gone from a part time visual person, to being asst manager. It's been rough just to hear what he's had to go through at that place - I would have had a melt down the first day. He says that if there is any real work - mental or physical - the white people call the blacks over to do it. Someone has a question - "call Henry"
- if there is a delivery- "all team B associates report to the loading dock" etc...When Jorge got the promotion they told him he was the first Black to be an asst manager. When he said he was not Black but they could call him a "person of color" they thought it was the funniest thing they had ever heard- "we thought you didn't want to be called colored?"


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Two days after I returned to Valdosta, Wanda's son Deshan was found hung in the woods behind his house. I suspected foul play because Deshan had been trying to draw attention to the election outrages but when I asked Wanda if she wanted help in starting an investigation she said it would stir up trouble for her other children. Why won't the media report on real news like this instead of Anna Nicole?


Friday, February 16, 2007

Hello friends - it's been awhile since I've been able to make an entry into this thing...In the past two months I've had wonderful visit to New York followed by a tragic return to Georgia. Just after Christmas, I decided that I needed a NY fix and booked a cheap flight on Jet Blue, and got a great price on for a room at the Hotel Gansevoort. Jorge could'nt come because of his new job, so I called my friend Carl, who, being a publicist, gets free tickets to everything, and planned a fabulous week in the City. Every night was an incredible dinner followed by an incredible show ( and sometimes vice versa - no 10:30 bedtime in Manhattan). The first night we dined at Urena, great restaurant on a sketchy part of east 28th st, followed Julie Atlas Mus at P.S 122. The next night we splurged on NOBU , then saw the AMAZING! new show - Spring Awakening. It just got better with TAO and Grey Gardens and then the next night, Gusto, then out to Brooklyn(thank you skyline car service) for Burlesque @ Galopagas. The last night I was ready for some nitelife so after dining at Craft, I took a cab down to Splash where the cuties were out in full force.


Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I was watching CNN this evening when the screen suddenly went black. All the other channels were fine so I called CableSouth to report a problem and was told that due to subscriber complaints, cablesouth will no longer be carrying CNN. Since I refuse to watch FOX NEWS I switched over to our local station, WALB, which was running an editorial urging parents to take their children out of public school now that Nancy Pelosi (the San Fransisco value loving Italian) would be in charge!


Wanda, my Dad's nurse, told me a frightening story today about her attempt to vote yesterday. When she arrived at her voting precinct she was told that she must show photo id and her most recent electric bill - which she did not have with her - so she went home to get it. When she returned, the line went around the block and the sheriff's dept, with all their lights flashing, were supervising entry into the precinct. They were asking for photo ID, current electric bill, and for all voters(who in this area were 99% african american) to answer a quiz about the constitution. Wanda got all the questions right but said alot of folks were turning back at the sight of this scene. The most disturbing part of her story was that as she was leaving, she ran into her son, Deshan, as he confronted the sheriff's dept about the legality of this situation. She heard the sheriff tell him "nigger, if you know what's good for you, you'll go home now."


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